N-power Batch C candidates who participated in the NASIMS Test are eager to check their Npower Deployment Status/Letter for 2021 via NASIMS Portal.  In this article, you’ll learn how to check NPower deployment status, how to know if you’re deployed or not.  When Is Npower Deployment Date For Batch C? Npower Deployment Date 2021 The N-power deployment date is unknown for now and those who have participated in the Npower Batch C test via the NASIMS Portal are not yet deployed. Keep visiting this page for more update. The Npower Deployment letter is to be printed on the NASIMS portal by those who participated in the Npower test and was successfully deployed, the letter is to be taken to the Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) to which they were deployed. How Many Candidates Will be Deployed for Npower Batch C? The NASIMS N-power Batch C is created to onboard one million new beneficiaries, beginning with an initial 500,000 beneficiaries in the first stream, and a subsequent 500,000 in a second stream.